III. Congress
Dear academicians..
We are pleased to announce and invite you to III. International research Scientific Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences, which will be held in İstanbul (face-to-face) and online on 23-24-25 November 2022
Abstracts sent to the congress will be evaluated by the scientific committee. Papers can be written and presented in Turkish, English, French and Arabic. It is aimed to discuss scientific issues in the field of Social Sciences and Humanities through interdisciplinary studies of participating academicians.
It is an international congress that meets the criteria of academic promotion for faculty members, associate professors and professors. The Congree provides an academic incentive criteria through the participation of more than 51% foreign participants from more than 7 countries.
Abstracts will be welcomed until 15 November 2022 to info@rimaracademy.com
At the end of the congress, a certificate of participation with international validity will be given, and the papers will be published in the full-text book with ISBN, where valuable scientific candidates will present their studies in an international environment. The papers, under request, will be published in the international refereed journals that support the congress, after the double-blind-referee process is completed.
Academicians working in the field of Social Sciences and Humanities are pleasurably invited to the congress
Hope to meet you soon.
- Congress Scientific Committee accepts anstracts in the field of sacial sciences and humanities.
- A participant can participate with the maximum of two papers.
- The abstract should consist of at least 200 words.
- The title should be written clearly above the abstract and should be compatible with the content.
- At least three keywords should be written.
- It should comply with generally accepted scientific standards.
- Papers cannot be presented on behalf of someone else. The person who will present at the congress must be an author or co-author.
- Those who do not make a presentation in the hall, day and time specified in the congress program will be deemed not to have attended the congress. Oral presentation should be maximum of 13 minutes. Remote presentations can be made.
- The clear information of the participants should be written (institution, country, orcid, mail).
- A recent personal photograph of the participants should be sent along with the abstract.
- Scientific committee reviews abstracts sent by researchers; The owners of the accepted papers will be informed and invited to complete their researches in order to attend the conference.
- To publish full texts in an international peer-reviewed scientific journal, the following conditions must be met:
- Papers submitted for publication must be original of no previous publishing or submission for publication elsewhere.
- The bibliography should not exceed twenty (20) pages, including tables, drawings and figures.
- Applications should be sent to info@rimaracademy.com considering all criteria.
- The abstract should be written with a minimum of 200 words and a maximum of 300 words.
- The abstract should include the title of the paper, the purpose, scope and method of the study.
- A participant can participate with a maximum of two papers.
- The language of the paper could be in Turkish, Arabic or English.
- Font should be 12 (Times New Roman), title should be 14 (Capital).
- APA should be used for writing, documentation and citations. (https://apastyle.apa.org/instructional-aids/reference-guide.pdf).
Deadline for Submission of Abstracts : 15 November 2022
Announcement of the Congress Program : 20 November 2022
Congress Date : 23-24-25 November 2022
Deadline for Submission of Full Texts : 30 December 2022
Registration Options Registration Fee
Face-to-face participation 300 $
Online participation 250 $
Student $50 Discount Face-to-face $250 - Online $200
Name: Rimar Academy Eğitim Araştırma ve Danışmanlık
Country-City: Turkey - Istanbul
Bank Name: Kuveyt Türk Katılım Bankası
Account Type: ($)
IBAN No: TR81 0020 5000 0965 3626 6001 01
- Please add “Name-Surname, Congress Name” information in the explanation section when paying the congress participation fee. After paying the registration fee, you must send the receipt to info@rimaracademy.com.
- Deposits are non-refundable. The abstracts of those who do not make a presentation will not be printed, a certificate of participation will not be given and their fees will not be refunded.
- Accommodation at the congress will be provided by the participants themselves.
- For face-to-face participants, congress bag, lunch and tea and coffee treats are included in the participation fees.
- The Congress will be held via Online Zoom. (Participants need to make their preparations.)
- VAT is included in accommodation and congress participation fees.
- 50% discount will be applied for the faculty members of ABAI UNIVERSITY.
Email Address: info@rimaracademy.com
Tel: Whatsapp Vahap KUŞUN – Secretary +90 533 059 7222