Conditions of Accession

IX. International research Scientific Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences



Controls for participation in the congress: 


The scientific committee of the congress receives research abstracts that feature new research treatments for their topics or provide added research values and results in the field of Social sciences.
A research summary of not less than 200 words shall be sent, and the abstract shall review the importance of the research, its objectives, the problem, and an introductory outline for the research according to the following characteristics:
The title must be included in the field of Social sciences and related matters.
It must be in accordance with generally accepted scientific standards.
Not less than 200 words, and not more than 300 words.• The title should be clearly written above the summary.
 The name of the researcher or researchers must be mentioned at the top of the abstract with the work place and the country. 
The contact information must be written down: email and phone number (WhatsApp number if available)
 A recent personal photo of the researcher or researchers shall be placed at the top of the page.
A CV attached to a research summary email
The scientific committee reviews the research summaries it first reaches, informs the owners of accepted proposals and invites them to complete their research to participate in the congress.
The entire research is sent after the congress held for publication in a refereed international scientific journal (Rimac Journal of Social and Human Sciences) with an international impact factor, or in a collective book issued by the forum with an international coding (ISBN) according to the researcher's choice - and within the


following conditions: 

The article sent for publication must be original, has not been previously published, and has not been sent for publication elsewhere.
The first page should include the full title of the research, the name of the researcher, his academic degree, the institution of affiliation, in both Arabic and English, and the electronic address.
The summary of the research written in two languages: Arabic and English.
 The research should not exceed twenty (20) pages, including the list of sources, references, tables, drawings and figures, and at least ten (8) pages in a Microsoft Word file, the page margin (2 cm from all sides), and between lines 0.1.
Font type in Arabic: 14 (Simplified Arabic), the headline is 20 gras, and subtitles are 16 gras.- Latin font: 12 (Times New Roman), headline 14 (Majuscule)
Adopt APA system for Writing, Documentation and Quotations (

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